Where is God?

I became a Christian at a young age and learned about God’s love for me throughout my whole life.

I have fond memories of being a kid and going to VBS.  VBS was full of making brown paper bag puppets, eating great snacks and singing songs about God’s love. “Jesus loves me” and “He’s got the whole world in his hands”, those songs were engrained in my mind. It wasn’t only during VBS that I learned about His love for me.  It had been reinforced by my sister and Sunday school teachers.

Through my childhood and into my teenage years, there was never a doubt of His love for me; even though there was many times that I was less than lovable. He saved me numerous times through some questionable decisions I made.

Many years later, I switched places and became the Sunday school and VBS teacher. It became my time to teach the children about this awesome God we have. I as given the opportunity to walk many children through the Salvation prayer and explain to them that He lives in us, if we will just invite Him. 

I got this… He’s our best friend and He is always with us!

Recently, I ended up in the emergency room and for the next 12 days, I stumped the doctors each day when a new symptom appeared. I would go from having pain, to getting better, to my blood counts dropping and almost being admitted into Intensive Care, to swelling and thank God, to finally improving.

It was during my time in the hospital that one of ministry partners and good friend reminded me that:

God is in Me and God is with Me!

For over forty years, I’ve been taught and I have taught others about his love and that he will never forsake us.  So, why was I so surprised to hear those words spoken to me?

Being reminded of His love through those words was like hearing about God’s love for me, for the first time.  It should have been obvious.  Like I said earlier, I knew God’s love for me and I knew he would never forsake me…. Yet, for some reason, hearing those words gave me comfort every time they stuck me for blood (twice a day, every day), for the four IV’s or when I was in pain and could not sleep.

That short phrase hit me over the head and became my “go to phrase”.  I have also had the opportunity to share it with another friend who is going through some trials. 

Life isn’t always easy; we often get a curve ball thrown in our path!

So where is God during those times?

Yeah, He’s around us, but He’s also in Us and with Us, every step of the way!

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